Sunday, January 24, 2016

Aquatic Therapy for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. It is so exciting to feel a life growing inside you and there are many joys. There is also a lot of stress and change occurring to the woman's body. For some, this may take away from the joyous parts of pregnancy. 

Our therapy is gentle and beneficial, and can help regain the desired focus, creating peace once again and making way for progress and joy.

What does the therapy look and feel like? We gently cradle and float you through warm water and begin to mobilize your joints. We allow the anti-gravity environment to take the stress off of your joints. You begin to settle in to the weightlessness.

We allow the temperature-neutral environment to take away any skin irritation or sensitivities that you may be feeling from growth and expansion. We gently massage any edema, as you are also provided gentle pressure as the water surrounds you, which allows for increased circulation and promotes cardiovascular health.

We help to elongate your body and muscles, teaching your body how to relax and soothe. We are aligning your body, which allows your muscles to find peace in their new positions and increase your stability. We can mobilize and massage to decrease any nerve pain, minimizing discomfort.

After your session your body will feel at peace, and this generally improves mood and ability to sleep.

At Lullaby Waters, we truly believe in our technique, which promotes a healthy and joyous pregnancy. For more information for this and other therapy approaches, call 208-985-5265.

