Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Thank you to the BSU FUSE Program

We are so excited to have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Boise State FUSE Program.


A group of Engineering students have designed and created a floating chair that can be used with a variety of special needs children within the aquatic environment. We are so excited for this creation and we appreciate all of their hard work

Monday, June 13, 2016

Aquatic Therapy Impact on the Brain

The brain is involved in completing all movements (motor tasks), a complex process involving telling the body which muscles to use and how much force is needed. The brain knows how to complete these tasks based on information it is receiving from the world around it (sensory information).

For individuals who have sensory processing difficulties, these tasks and sequences are even more complex and confusing, as the sensory information may not be perceived clearly. Therefore, the brain may signal use of incorrect muscles or use too much or too little force. Movements may look clumsy, fast or slow moving, and poorly planned out.

For these individuals aquatic therapy can have a positive impact, helping the brain to better make sense of this information and then demonstrate improvements in motor tasks.

How does it work?
The water is able to slow the body down. Oftentimes individuals with sensory processing difficulties demonstrate uncoordinated movement patterns. They move based on momentum rather than having slow and controlled movements. Immersion forces the individual to slow down, giving the brain time to interpret what is going on within the environment. The brain is getting additional information of hydrostatic pressure (water pressure against the body), allowing for more proprioceptive input (muscle awareness), and buoyancy aids in both supporting and inhibiting the focus on balance depending on how it is utilized. The tactile system is supported and put at ease within a temperature-neutral environment, allowing the brain to focus more on motor control.

In therapeutic sessions at Lullaby Waters, games and activities are utilized to promote desired motor patterns, and repetition of these motions allows the brain to establish a clearer picture within a controlled aquatic environment that can be replicated and carried over to land-based activities.

For these and additional therapies, please contact Lullaby Waters at (208) 949-3481.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Aquatic Therapy for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a diagnosis that has many variables, and the effects can range greatly - from minor to debilitating. Many of the common attributes can be vastly improved through the therapeutic use of water.

We have seen great gains at Lullaby Waters in individuals with Cerebral Palsy. Common attributes we address during our sessions include:

Poor Coordination
The brain has difficulty making connections for functional and purposeful movements, therefore we can utilize the water to help with ease of movement and fluidity of motion. Repetitive swaying and movement within the water can help the brain to make these connections and increase coordinated movement patterns.

Stiff Muscles
Warm water sensation is able to sooth and ease tense muscles, allowing them to relax. We are able to mobilize and comfort simultaneously.

Weak Muscles
Hydrostatic pressure of the water provides pressure to the body, where every movement is met with the resistance of water. This allows the body to increase strength.

Joint Contractures
Mobility and range of motion of joints within the aquatic environment provide unique angles and ability to increase comfort and movement.

The body may feel deregulated and have difficulty interpreting sensation typically. Therefore the aquatic environment can provide soothing comfort and pleasant sensations all over that can help to reset and regulate.
Vision/hearing- We can modify the environment to accommodate the individual's needs to make it either alerting or calming through lighting and auditory input. 

Thinking and Reasoning
Problem solving, sequencing tasks and games can be implemented in conjunction with the desired body motions and movement patterns during therapy.


Soothing the body and allowing for increased regulation of the muscles and joints can improve coordination and movement patterns. Aquatic therapy can help with achieving milestones such as rolling over, sitting up, crawling or walking.

For more information or to inquire about a session, please contact Lullaby Waters at 208-985-5265.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Peaceful Place

The most important thing to me when opening Lullaby Waters was the environment. I truly believe that in order to get to a point where progress can be made, peace needs to be achieved. I was so passionate about the benefits of water that I wanted to believe strides could be made anywhere. I tried and I tried, but I was wrong.

For nearly two years, I spent every waking minute developing the environment you see today at Lullaby Waters. The pool, the sounds, the visuals – all of it was designed to provide an environment that could be tailored to specific needs, so that anyone could find the progress they were seeking for themselves or their children.

Simply put, the therapeutic environment at Lullaby Waters is something that you will not find anywhere else in Boise. It is a place of peace, where personalized, private sessions take place without the commotion of a public space or community setting. Distractions are minimized, stimuli are eliminated and progress is made.

The Water
Our custom-built pool is kept between 95 and 96 degrees, which is one of the most important components of our facility. The temperature-neutral zone, meaning at body temperature, allows the body to focus on something other than temperature regulation. The receptors for sensation relax without any effort from the individual, providing a pleasant sensation and putting the body at ease, which allows for growth in other areas.

The Sound
Auditory input is unique to each individual. Perception of sound may register high or low, which is why in our one-on-one sessions we modify auditory components to meet specific needs. From complete silence, to quiet music or white noise, individual preferences and what creates an environment built to thrive are what dictate the auditory aspects of sessions at Lullaby Waters.

The Visuals
Studies have documented the calming effect of blue lighting. We utilize a dimmer switch to create desired effects in the room, which includes a ceiling painted as a tranquil night sky. Blue lighting and hues add to visuals designed to induce calm and peace. We sometimes turn off the lights completely, allowing the light within the pool and the blue shimmer of the water guide our sessions. Once you step into our pool, everywhere you look you will find peace.


In summation, prior to opening Lullaby Waters, there wasn’t a single individual I encountered in therapy that I didn’t think would benefit from an aquatic environment. There are so many things we do out of the water that, when replicated in the water, seemingly increase our gains exponentially. This was my dream, and I truly believe that Lullaby Waters is a place where progress is made through a state of peaceful serenity.
For these and other therapies please contact Lullaby Waters at 208-985-5265

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Aquatic Therapy for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. It is so exciting to feel a life growing inside you and there are many joys. There is also a lot of stress and change occurring to the woman's body. For some, this may take away from the joyous parts of pregnancy. 

Our therapy is gentle and beneficial, and can help regain the desired focus, creating peace once again and making way for progress and joy.

What does the therapy look and feel like? We gently cradle and float you through warm water and begin to mobilize your joints. We allow the anti-gravity environment to take the stress off of your joints. You begin to settle in to the weightlessness.

We allow the temperature-neutral environment to take away any skin irritation or sensitivities that you may be feeling from growth and expansion. We gently massage any edema, as you are also provided gentle pressure as the water surrounds you, which allows for increased circulation and promotes cardiovascular health.

We help to elongate your body and muscles, teaching your body how to relax and soothe. We are aligning your body, which allows your muscles to find peace in their new positions and increase your stability. We can mobilize and massage to decrease any nerve pain, minimizing discomfort.

After your session your body will feel at peace, and this generally improves mood and ability to sleep.

At Lullaby Waters, we truly believe in our technique, which promotes a healthy and joyous pregnancy. For more information for this and other therapy approaches, call 208-985-5265.



Saturday, November 7, 2015

Aquatic Therapy for Anxiety

We all get anxiety at some point in our lives, maybe at some point every single day.

The way we respond to anxiety varies. The way we physically react can also vary, as we often hold tension in our body. For some it is held in the shoulders, neck and jaw; for others it may be the stomach, back or a combination of the two. What we are feeling mentally and emotionally is transpired physically.

Often children with a diagnosis are working extra hard because they may not quite fit in socially, mentally or physically, and their bodies are also carrying this burden. Often children and adults may not know what calm is, or how to get there.

So what do we do? How do we help?

We create a warm and soothing, temperature-neutral environment for them.

A temperature-neutral environment is created at Lullaby Waters by keeping the water at body temperature. The tactile sensory receptors of the body cannot determine where the body ends and the water begins, therefore the receptors are able to stop working and relax. The hydrostatic pressure created by the water against the body gives gentle compression (proprioceptive input) which acts like a gentle, all-over hug. The body stops holding tension physically and the muscles relax. We are able to rock and sway, allowing the body to continually feel calm and peaceful while also mobilizing and stretching the joints that have been working so hard.

We whisper to the child, "This is what calm feels like," and they have a physical reference to draw from going forward. We continue creating these scenarios to help reduce tension and anxiety. We play games to create movement patterns that we want to achieve out of the water, because now the child will feel without tension, creating a positive association. We create tasks that they have to cognitively process, because now they are not thinking about their body and discomfort and are able to process this information.

We are creating a positive experience physically, emotionally and socially to reduce anxiety and allow for higher-functioning cognitive processes to occur. We are decreasing and eliminating anxiety, because at Lullaby Waters we truly believe that Peace=Progress.

For this and other therapy services please check out our website at www.lullabywaters.com and give us a call at: 208-985-5265

Monday, September 7, 2015

Bonding Sessions

At Lullaby Waters, we believe that there is no greater attachment to be shared than the bond between parent and child. Sometimes creating this secure bond isn't easy for a multitude of reasons.

Our goal is to take you back to the beginning, to help you create a secure bond in which your child feels secure. This is developed by letting them know they are safe, and that their needs will be met.

The most important beginning is having a regulated nervous system. We can implement a variety of techniques within the aquatic environment to help with this regulation. We can teach you, as the parent, to be the facilitator, which will contribute to the bonding process.

We will also begin by helping you, as the parent, to feel relaxed, which is also the beginning of bonding because your child is looking to you for guidance.

Our warm, gentle, quiet environment can imitate the security and comfort of the womb that your child was once accustomed to.

Once the nervous system is regulated, your child is ready to experience senses in a positive manner and able to learn and explore the world.

The next step is helping you read your child's cues. Everything they do is expressing something to you, through looks, movements and babbles. We will help you interpret these meanings, and help you to meet their needs.

This regulation and secure bond will foster increased intelligence, confidence, happiness and growth for your child.

It will create a sense of peace for you, because your child will become more predictable as you are able to understand them and read their cues.

Let us help you foster this partnership for you and your child.
Who can benefit:
- Parents feeling a lack of connection to their child
- Parent is at a loss for how to help their child
- Child demonstrates frequent fear or insecurities
- Child avoids eye contact
- Child doesn't smile
- Child doesn't reach out to be picked up
- Child rejects your efforts to calm and sooth, and connect
- Child doesn't seem to notice or care when you leave or are gone
- Child cries inconsolably
- Child doesn't coo or make sounds
- Child doesn't follow you with their eyes
- Child isn't interested in playing or interacting with toys
- Child spends a lot of time rocking or trying to comfort themselves
For more information regarding these, and other services, provided by Lullaby Waters, call (208) 985-5265 or visit LullabyWaters.com.