Sunday, May 10, 2015

Women's Health

Women are amazing in every stage of life. This week is Women's Health Week, a time in which we can reflect on our self care. When starting Lullaby Waters, I knew that I wanted to focus on women's health in several stages that are not yet truly supported.

Here are some ways we can help:

Pregnancy - During pregnancy there are a million books on how to eat healthy and exercise, but let's face it, so often women do not feel up to these tasks. Some days it is enough to just get through the day. Lullaby Waters changes this in a calming and peaceful environment. Rather than being just another task, it is viewed and treated as a respite. It can make a woman feel good, without any negative effects such as soreness, fatigue or risks. Being in water can lower blood pressure and decrease pain which women are often feeling. When a woman is pregnant, her joints are looser due to hormonal changes, in conjunction with widening hips and a changing center of balance.We focus on realigning, strengthening and improving balance. Studies have shown that sleep is improved as well as mood.

Post Pregnancy - Going through labor can change a woman's body in many ways. It can be traumatic and exhausting. Often women have no time to focus on themselves post-delivery, and are thrust into a new world with this wonderful addition that takes all of her attention. Aquatic therapy can help with alignment, pelvic floor strengthening, energy and mood elevation.

Mother-Baby Sessions - Lullaby Waters focuses on the bond between mother and baby, allowing for a peaceful atmosphere and using calming techniques to effect the relationship by positively strengthening the bond. We will gently guide and support appropriate holds so that you can facilitate movements that can help your baby further develop. You can also take many of these techniques to apply at home in your daily life for continued bonding and strengthening of your relationship.

Mother's of Children with Disabilities - As moms we are constantly focused on and worried about our children. Stress can manifest in our bodies physically, causing any number of negative effects. We are constantly providing supports for our children with disabilities, though so often we are not looking to regenerate ourselves so that we can better support them mentally and emotionally. We offer support to moms of children with disabilities at Lullaby Waters. We would like to help relieve stress through our gentle aquatic techniques, so that you can regenerate and better support your family.

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